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Chuseok in Incheon

Video of Week 6 (part 2)

This is a continuation from my last post.

Day 3 | 10.04.17: Incheon and a Little Bit of Home

Since Wednesday was the actual Chuseok holiday, many shops were closed (besides in Hongdae and Itaewon, I could be wrong) so we decided to make a day trip to visit our friend's dad and cousin who lives in Incheon to experience the holiday with a local Korean family.

Tip: I recommend going to areas that are regularly populated with foreigners (such as Hongdae and Itaewon) since many businesses and restaurants will be closed during Chuseok.

We took line 2 (Green) from Hongik University Station to Sindorim and transferred to line 1 (Navy). After a couple of stops, we realized we were going in the wrong direction because we thought we were on the Incheon bound track. We got off immediately and crossed to the opposite side to take the train going back, to the opposite direction.

Tip: At Guro Station (1 stop after Sindorim) make sure you are on the correct line to Incheon since this stop splits into two tracks, one to Incheon and another to Byeongjeom.

1. Wolmi Island Theme Park (월미도)

The park is easily accessible by bus. Once you exit the Incheon Station, there is a bus stop a few steps away. I don't remember what bus we took but you can take #2, 13, 15 or 45. The theme park itself is fairly small with some kid-friendly rides and extreme rides. You can purchase ride tickets at the ticket booth. We rode the Disco Pang Pang, this ride that spins almost 360 degrees (really felt like I was going to fall out of my seat) and the Viking ship (the bars that go over the lap didn't seem too secure since I felt my feet lift when the ship was swinging at almost 90 degrees).

Tip: There are bins next to all of the rides for you to store your personal belongings in. You just need to retrieve your items after the ride.

Tip: Although I had an embarrassing fall from the Disco Pang Pang ride, I still think you should try it at least once. It is kind of awkward when the "DJ" (person controlling the ride) talks to you and makes fun of you. Make sure to hold really tight and try to find a comfortable spot to grab onto. I did feel sore the next day.

Tip: Sit on the last row for the Viking if you're up for some thrill. However, these rides are quite old making them feel unsafe.

2. Chinatown (인천 차이나타운)

I heard this Chinatown was the first in the world, but don't be fooled because it actually isn't. The very first one, according to Google, is in Manila, Philippines. I would've expected the very first Chinatown would be in Japan or Korea because of China's influence on both countries and their close proximity. Nonetheless, the one in Incheon, like many other Chinatowns is VERY red. There is authentic Chinese food with, of course some of the typical Korean-Chinese dishes such as jajangmyeon (자장면) (black bean noodles), tangsuyuk (탕수육) (sweet and sour pork), and jjambbong (짬뽕) (spicy seafood noodles).

We had lunch at 태림봉 (Tae Lim Bong)/太臨鳳 (Tai Lin Feng). We ordered 3 dishes to share amongst 5 of us (more than enough). Chinese meals are usually usually large dishes of meat, seafood, or vegetables that is accompanied with rice and is shared amongst a party.


인천 중구 선린동 6번지

No. 6, Sunlim-dong, Jung-gu, Incheon

marinated beef with cucumbers, scallions and garlic, with a drizzle of hot oil (tasted like home)

fried chicken dish with peppers and onions, sweet, sour and spicy sauce

fried shrimp with a mayonnaise/cream sauce

Tip: The menu is in both Korean and Chinese. The staff also speaks Chinese (if that is more convenient for you Chinese speakers).

Freedom Park (자유공원)

This park is located next to Chinatown, therefore, a great place to stroll after a meal. It also has a great spot to see the port and skyline of Incheon.

keeping walking up the hill in Chinatown

statue of General McArthur

Tip: Walk up the pavilion and you'll see an amazing view.

pavillion (taken from

snacked on some pancakes my friend's aunt made

3. Songdo

Songdo Central Park

Huge park with a man-made waterway running through the middle. Skyscrapers and residential apartments surround both sides of the park. This park is great for a night stroll because lights of the apartment buildings are a great sight to see. The triplets (Daehan, Minguk, and Mansae) also live in this neighborhood.

Cafe Chosun (카페 조선)

We had delicious and high quality Korean BBQ at Cafe Chosun (my friend's dad knows the owner). The owner was very friendly and gave us great service (an amazing fire spectacle shown in my video).


3-2, Songdo-dong, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon

assorted pork cuts and vegetables, I believe we mostly ordered pork belly, cuts of neck and back meat (?)

fried rice full of love

I have no idea how much anything costed today because my friend's dad paid for everything.

Lastly, we visited our friend's apartment and played with his cats!

We also missed the bus going back to Seoul, so we ended up taking a taxi which costed around $50 USD (split between 3 people).

All photos and video footage (unless otherwise stated) are taken by Kaity Chen. Please credit if using.

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